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Category: Family Law

How to Get an Emergency Child Custody Order

Fri 16th Jun, 2023 Family Law

Child custody determinations require extensive thought and planning. Once a child custody agreement is in place, it typically requires a showing of a significant change in circumstances to modify it, which also takes time. But not all parents have the luxury of time on their side when an existing child […]

What Is Parental Alienation?

Wed 31st May, 2023 Family Law

Divorce is not easy for anyone, but it can be particularly emotionally damaging for children, even under the best of circumstances. However, that emotional damage can be significantly amplified in bitter divorces in which one or both parents attempt to use their children as pawns in their fight with each […]

Five Financial Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce

Wed 17th May, 2023 Family Law

Divorce can put a severe emotional strain on those who are going through it, but it can also cause financial strain both during and after the divorce process. Depending upon how long a couple has been married and the extent to which they have commingled their assets, untangling each spouse’s […]

How to Keep Your Divorce as Private as Possible

Fri 28th Apr, 2023 Family Law

There are many reasons why a couple would want to keep their divorce low-profile. Divorce can be extremely painful for many couples, and the glare of public attention — even from friends, family, and colleagues — can make it even worse. This can be especially true in high-asset divorces. While […]

Can Children Have Their Own Attorneys in Family Law Matters?

Sun 16th Apr, 2023 Family Law

Contentious family law matters — such as child custody and visitation issues — typically are resolved by a child’s parents, their attorneys, and the court. While older children’s wishes may be taken into consideration when determining custody and visitation, that is merely one factor among many that the court considers, […]