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The Effect of Cohabitation on Alimony

Fri 31st Dec, 2021 Blogs

It is a clear and well-settled matter in California law that, absent an agreement to the contrary, spousal support payments (also known as alimony) end upon the remarriage of the supported spouse. The termination of alimony payments in these cases is automatic — the paying spouse is not required to […]

How Does Self-Employment Impact Child Support?

Fri 17th Dec, 2021 Blogs

Every family’s financial situation is different. Some families are supported by one working parent, while in others, both parents work. One of the primary considerations for divorcing parents when children are in the picture is how child custody will be arranged and how child support obligations will be apportioned. Generally, […]

Can Grandparents Get Custody in California?

Tue 16th Nov, 2021 Blogs

Grandparents are frequently the primary caregivers for their grandchildren for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the children’s parents may be deceased and the grandparents are the children’s closest relatives. In others, the parents may not be able to properly care for their children, while the grandparents can offer […]