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How 730 Evaluations Work in California

Fri 17th Feb, 2023 Family Law

As the old saying goes, there are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. Nowhere is this more applicable in the legal system than in family law matters, where spouses in divorce proceedings often have radically different interpretations of the same set of facts. Diverging […]

How Spouses Hide Assets During Divorce

Tue 31st Jan, 2023 Family Law

California is a community property state, which means that a couple’s marital estate is divided 50/50 between the spouses when they divorce unless there is a prenuptial agreement that says otherwise. Generally, property acquired by either spouse during the marriage is presumed to be community property and thus owned equally […]

Is Parallel Parenting Right for You?

Tue 17th Jan, 2023 Family Law

Co-parenting with an ex-spouse after divorce is not always easy. While all parents want to do what’s best for their children, there are other issues to consider. Do the ex-spouses get along? Are they capable of working together for the children’s best interests? Do their lifestyles accommodate traditional child custody […]

The Most Common Types of California Parenting Plans

Fri 30th Dec, 2022 Family Law

Divorce is rarely simple for any couple, but it is significantly more complex for couples who have children. Not only can divorce be a traumatic experience for the children, but divorcing with children requires the parents to hammer out the details of child custody, child support, and visitation matters. These […]

How Marital Privileges Work in California

Wed 30th Nov, 2022 Family Law

Marriage brings with it certain benefits — the right to file a joint tax return, the right to inherit a share of a spouse’s estate, and the right to make medical decisions on behalf of a spouse, just to name a few. Two of the most important legal benefits for […]